american kestrel

First Boise Bird Festival!

17April2013_1_First-Boise_Birding-Festival_SignYes! Today was the First Boise Bird Festival at Avimor just north of Boise – sorta. Robert Mortensen – You are to be commended on the super fine job you did in pulling this together. It was a great day. Great weather – 78 degrees and nice clear blue skies. And a great location. My sister in North Carolina wished she could have been here but she was looking for Warblers. Hope she has some photos.
I do believe that the folks who came out and supported this adventure, almost 500 I think, really enjoyed themselves. The displays. The seminars (I loved the one on Digiscope photography and Technology). Meeting folks from the Golden Eagle Audubon Society, Idaho Fish and Game, World Center for Birds of Prey and some of the bird related suppliers. Thanks for the samples of bird seed.
Here are some photos from today. In my opinion, the photos of the American Kestrel are awesome. And the several photos of the Antelope across the valley from us, are interesting. They are pretty little animals. Do enjoy the photos and Left-Click to see them enlarged. Please VOTE above. Thank-You.

We have 5 feeders in our backyard.

We have 5 feeders in our backyard.

Our motorhome.

Our motorhome.


The entrance to the area.

The entrance to the area.

One of the seminars.

One of the seminars.

Some of the people.

Some of the people.

Robert Mortensen gives some information.

Robert Mortensen gives some information.

American Goldfinch

American Goldfinch

American Robin

American Robin

Red-wing Blackbird

Red-wing Blackbird

American Kestrel

American Kestrel
I think these are awesome photos. Be sure to look at these enlarged.



Here are the Antelope. Sorry ........ No deer.

Here are the Antelope. Sorry …….. No deer.


Seriously jousting!

Seriously jousting!

I think the smaller one lost. Better luck next year!

I think the smaller one lost. Better luck next year!