Falcon Release

Boise Eyass Report, June 22


Fairly good day today. At least we saw 5 of the falcons and it was good to see Dr and Mrs Tate downtown, too. They have been watching for sometime now. Today, they saw 5 of the falcons at one time, as did Robin and I. It is really great to have that confirmation from others.
But here is a dilemma. But to keep the record straight – The IDF&G and the Peregrine Fund are really great about keeping us informed with information that they receive. But, we have seen only 5 falcons at one time, not 6 since June 20. We know two are the adults. That leaves 3 eyasses in view. The fourth eyass has not been spotted since I photographed it on the 14th floor ledge, just south of the breezeway in the NE corner of the One Cap Center. See the post All 6 Boise Peregrines Spotted This Morning, posted on June 20, 2013 for the photo of this bird.. We can not find this 6th falcon. What happened, if anything? Did it fall and have to be replaced on the top of the building? If so, then all 4 had a “falling” experience. Did one actually fledge and now we can not locate it? And hold your breath – did the 4th eyass succumb? I want to believe that this individual “got lonesome” and went to the roof on its own, if it did not fall and have to be rescued. Both adults are constantly watching the roof area – that area that we can not see into even on the IBeam camera. They do not sound alarmed when calling to each other. Inquiring minds need to know. Any help? Here are a few photos from today. Cheers and Keep Looking Up! Please VOTE above. Thanks.

Three Boise fal;cons on the NE corner of the One Cap Center. These are probably eyasses.

Three Boise falcons on the NE corner of the One Cap Center. These are probably eyasses.

An adult  peregrine watches and guards.

An adult peregrine watches and guards.

One adult returns to the building and flies in front of a juvenile. He then lands on the roof. No cacking is heard.

One adult returns to the building and flies in front of a juvenile. He then lands on the roof. No cacking is heard.

The Ultimate Fun!

Will the real hack box attendant please stand up? Yea ….. Right! Can you say, “The box moves in the updrafts from the canyon 1000 feet below.” Yup!
You think this is fun? Actually - exciting is a better word. Look where we were in the next photo.

You think this is fun? Actually – exciting is a better word. Look where we were in the next photo.

Raise your head off of the box and this is what you see in Hells Canyon, Idaho.

Raise your head off of the box and this is what you see in Hells Canyon, Idaho.

Adding the chicks to the box.

Adding the chicks to the box.